Loving Grace by April Smith
Loving Grace by April Smith (Ambassador International 2018) Loving Grace is an Young Adult novel that echoes the novels of the 80's and early 90's. Written from a teenager's point of view, we see the ups and downs, the angst, and the indecisions that only come with those teenage years. Although slow and slightly choppy in the beginning, the writing and storyline evened out and flowed extremely well. With Loving Grace the reader is immersed into the world of the Watermelon pageants and watermelon farms, complete with the expectations and responsibilities of each. At times it read as though some points within the story seemed contrived; but, they paled in contrast to the whole story. This isn't a simple romance, but a story of forgiveness, growth, and acceptance. Each chapter brought me a little closer to the truth and what kept Grace from being trusting of Beau. And it is a doozy! The emotional depth portrayed was well written and I felt c...