Infectious by Elizabeth Forkey

Infectious by Elizabeth Forkey

I was unsure at first to download a book by an indie author. Not many out there are that well-written or ignore what the market and target audience demands. Not this book.

Some publisher out there has missed out on a great post-rapture book.
Elizabeth Forkey takes a new direction on a subject written most famously by Jenkins and LaHaye. What Forkey has done that they did not was add a depth of character and surprising realism.

Through the eyes of a sixteen year old, we live in a world where the Alive are separated from the Dead. With only another year to go before the Alive can bask in His Glory knowing perfect peace and love, they must first endure a world that is pure evil.

With no laws, no government, and every form of evilness imagined (Forkey pulls no punches), Hell walks on earth.

The Dead believe the Alive are immune to the disease that is killing them and for the capture of one or their blood, pleasure can be bought.

In Infectious, Ivy suffers the heartache of loss and the ups and downs of teenage feelings, but always striving to hold Jesus close to her heart. Without Him she would be Dead...a zombie.

Elizabeth Forkey turns a zombie tale into a new imaging using Revelation as a guide and painting a realistic and horrifying what-if scenario.

I'm glad to say that Elizabeth Forkey's Infectious had captured me and would not let go.

Stunning...brilliant...she's an author to read.


  1. Very good review. I found it when I Googled preparing a review for my own blog. Like you, the book 'captured' me, I read it all the way through without stopping to read from other books in between like I normally do these days.


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