Counted With the Stars by Connilyn Cossette

Counted With the Stars
(Bethany House 2016)

There are countless books that tell the stories of ancient times: walking with Jesus or Moses, traveling with Abraham or Peter, or even the earliest mentions of Israel. But very few tell the tale from a different perspective. 

Connilyn Cossette's Counted With the Stars shows the world the rich history and wondrous miracles of Yahweh, the Hebrew's God, through the eyes of a mistress-turned-slave Egyptian woman. The reader experiences the hardship of slavery under an Egyptian merchant's household. We walk the life during the plagues and feel her confusion about this unknown God. Her doubt and fears are weaved through her longing to belong to someone, to something.
As you follow along in Kiya's life, you start to understand that her friend, Shira, was right: Yahweh was preparing Kiya for something special. She is pulled in many directions, but finds herself being lulled by the unabashed love the Hebrews have for their God who seems to her far stronger than her deaf gods.

This book brings to life the story of Exodus in such rich detail that reading God's words again will bring a new understanding to the majesty of what transpired and the blood covenant that was made with His people.

Emotions are laid bare. Faith and hope spring forth. Fear and awe mingle with the words read. Truly this is one of the best Biblical fiction books I have read. 

Rare is a book makes a reader want to read more in detail what God has said, and this book pushes you back into the Bible with a new understanding and a new light.

The last sentences of the book held by far the most powerful message of them all and I encourage you, the reader, to grab this book and fall in love with history.  

Truly an awe inspiring tale set in the lush land of Ancient Egypt.

*** I received this book via NetGalley in exchange of an honest and complete review***


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