Surrender to Peace by Rose Allen McCauley

Surrender to Peace
(Olivia Kimbrell Press 2015) 

~~"I had to come to the point of total surrender, giving up what I wanted, and being willing to accept whatever He wanted..."~~(Ramona p.58)

The book brought this line to life. An easy read that wasn't about conflicts. It wasn't about a whirlwind romance. It wasn't about fighting against God's will.

It was a love story--a sweet and simple love story about surrendering your heart.

As I read Joy's and Benigno's story, I came to realize that another love story was unfolding--God's love story.

As the words breezed into my mind, as I pictured myself on the beaches and streets of Puerto Rico, peace settled over me. 

And the title says it all "Surrender to Peace". Only then can love shine and the voice of God be heard.

If you want a sweet, timeless love story written in the vein of Henry van Dyke, then Rose Allen McCauley brought one to you. 


  1. Wow Daphne, I have never been compared to Henry Van Dyke before, but I loved The Other Wise Man and will now have to check out some of his other works! Your review is about exactly what I was trying to do--tell the love story of this couple within the context of the most important love story--that of God and humankind. I loved your review!

    1. My favorite book by Henry van Dyke is The Blue Flower. The allegorical stories about Christ is what your book reminds me of. :)

    2. I;ll have to try to find that book, Daphne. thanks again for the great review, and getting my story.


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