Every Job a Parable by John Van Sloten

Every Job a Parable
What Walmart Greeters, Nurses & Astronauts
Tell Us About God
John Van Sloten
(NavPress 2017)

Again, it is rare that I find a book that just doesn't suit me. I'm honor bound to write a review, and although this isn't a negative review, per se, it is a review that is honest about what I thought of Every Job a Parable.

When I read about this book, read the blurb on the back, and the description I thought it would be how jobs, whether blue collar or white collar, can be a parable in Christian living. How awesome to see how a person's everyday living can be a testimony and how awesome that the author took the time to talk to these people....I was mistaken.

This wasn't a book that I expected it to be. The author expounds upon these jobs by relating what he had observed and then creating a sermon from it.

Some of the vocations mentioned were not what I would call a vocation and some of the "parables" seemed as though he really had to strive and stretch to make a point. Also, when he started writing about the seven deadly sins, I stopped reading.

All sins are deadly; and no sin is worse than another. Sin is sin. And although he does point this out, in a way of speaking, I realized that this isn't a book for me.

I don't know if I would recommend it. The writing seemed disjointed and the book seemed as though I was reading a very long, expansive sermon.

I do appreciate Tyndale Publishers for providing me a chance to read this book. I do hope that it will benefit other readers. 

***I received this book from Tyndale Publishers in exchange of an honest review*** 


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