Fatal Trust by Todd M. Johnson

Fatal Trust
Todd M. Johnson
(Bethany House 2017)

This was a book that took me a while to read. Not because of layers upon layers of plots or because of the writing style, but it was more of an interest factor for me.

While I do like some legal thrillers, and this one did remind me quite a bit of a Grisham novel, there were technical issues that kept me from truly enjoying the novel. The flashbacks, told in memory format, were quite irritating. It would bog the story down. In my opinion, it could have been handled in a brief summary or through dialogue. But pages and pages of memory lane tended to become old and boring.

At one point of the book, a scene with a clerk was used to alert us to crisp, old money. Of course this wouldn't be a strange occurrence, but it seemed out of place. And even the following scene of the man spying on the clerk to gain the passwords. These scenes more thrown in and not developed. A portion to explain a why, which I think did matter.

The ploys used in the book were the same old routine used in other books and movies: set a file aside and forget it, narrowly missing running into a bad guy, bad cop-good cop routine, etc.

I think I was hoping for a fresher take on a legal thriller. While it may not have been the best story I read, it was an okay read and I'm sure there are many Grisham fans who would love to read this story.

***I was provided a copy from Bethany Publishers in exchange of an honest review*** 


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