Lunch Notes by Nicole M. Hewitt, PhD

Lunch Notes to Our Children
Nicole M. Hewitt, PhD
(Crosslink Publishing 2018)

The description states: "Daily Spiritual Food for our kids' Hearts, minds, & souls".

While the book gave sound advice and encouragement I did find it tedious. It doesn't pertain much to homeschool children but for those in public and private institutions who face the fallen world day in, day out these chapters are helpful and has a good guidance to lead them in more godly ways.

There were a few things I disliked about the book that interfered with the reading:

1: the "lunch notes" at the beginning of each chapter used a hard to read font
2: the "lunch notes" failed to capitalize God, Jesus, and Lord
3: there were 12 Bible translations used which meant I could not follow along in the Bible because some translations are quite different from others

On a positive note, cut-outs are available to use as lunch box inserts for children. All in all, this was a pleasant book.


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