Following Wherever He Leads by Joan Crory

Joan Crory
(Ambassador International 2017) 

"And God has put you where you are to help meet the needs of the folk around you."

Following Wherever He Leads is the epitome of that statement written within. God has put this book where it helps to meet the needs of the readers.

As I read this book this portion struck a chord within me: "There is nothing so painful as unjust accusation, whether from a colleague, a partner or a friend but particularly if it comes from a fellow Christian."
The book goes on to state in a following paragraph: "After all, God knows our heart and He knows the truth of the situation better than we do ourselves. If we turn to the Bible, we will find lots of passages which refer to this very situation."
I've experienced this quite a bit. And who better to know what trials I face than He who faced them all.

"Vance Havner says: 'I don't understand how electricity works, but I'm not going to sit around in the dark until I do!"
Well, I don't know how symbols, numbers, and letters strung together along with metal, silicon, and graphite, etc. make a computer work. But I'm not going to stare at a blank screen and never use the computer until I do.
That said, in this book, this analogy is used for describing prayer and our prayer life.

We're not made for the simple life. After reading this in another book and hearing it in a song, Following Wherever He Leads shows that to follow Christ our lives will never be simple. It will never be easy. To follow Christ is a hard job. And it isn't simple. There are two ways to see this: first, we are not made for the simple life because we are encouraged to dream and to pursue our dreams which we give to Him the glory. And second, a simple life does not allow us to follow Christ. We become complacent and out of touch with Him when we follow that simple life.

As I read, this became even clearer than ever before. And as I read even more, certain passages, stories, and parables from the Bible were shown in a new light.

My favorite was the last chapter: Memorandum. An out-of-the-box thinking that pushed me to view my relationship with Christ from a new angle:
I'm strong only through Him. And He lives through me.

So much insight and knowledge, perfect for the everyday person, burst forth from Following Wherever He Leads.

This is truly a remarkable and rewarding book!

***click on the title for the option to purchase the book*** 


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