The Amish Firefighter by Laura V. Hilton

Laura V. Hilton
(Whitaker 2016) 

After reading The Post Card and enjoying David and Rachel's story, I looked forward to reading more about Sam Miller, especially since his scene at the end of the story.

He is a passionate and reckless man. Abigail is a sweet and bewildered woman, one who feels as though she wasn't loved, not even by God. Sam, on the other hand, approaches his relationship with God just as he approaches a fire that must be fought, with head-on abandon.

Throughout the book, I saw Sam mature into a beautiful and devout man; while, Abigail became more self-assured and willing to trust God with her future.

The story kept me reading up to about the end, and then it seemed rushed. I wished for a little bit more at the end to really keep the emotion high, instead of letting it peter off into a mild and sedate feeling.

Overall, I enjoyed this book immensely. I did wish for a little more of the firefighting or at least more of it referenced. The title is befitting of Sam's personality, though. I did wish for more of an interaction between Abigail and her "new family", but all-in-all the book was quite satisfying.

And since I don't read hardly any Amish books, that is saying something if a book can keep me glued to the sentences until the very end.

***click on the title for an option to purchase a copy of the book*** 


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