Shirley Corder's Strength Renewed

Shirley Corder's Strength Renewed: Mediations for Your Journey through Breast Cancer Shirley Corder's Strength Renewed is not just for those who suffer or have suffered from breast is also for those who suffer from depression, anxiety, lethargy, pain, and all other "cancers" in life. From page one I found myself uplifted by Shirley's words. Although I have read the passages of Scripture before, I reread them with new understanding and new life. Just as her book provides new life to hope. I am listing a few things at the beginning that captured me so thoroughly that I went back and reread that chapter of meditation: " Jesus and his disciples came across a man who had been blind all his life. 'Who's to blame for this man's blindness?' the disciples asked Jesus. 'No one," Jesus replied. He explained that God's power would be revealed as a result of the man's disability.... ...Cancer is finite. God is way...