Judy Azar LeBlanc's I AM THAT I AM

Tonight I will start off with Judy Azar LeBlanc's I AM THAT I AM: Tracing the Footprints of God.

 published by CrossLink Publishing 2012

Judy Azar LeBlanc presents a truly remarkable way of viewing God.

Starting with the names of God, she presents in detail each covenant of the Old Testament up to the New Testament and final Covenant.

When discussing the Ministry of Christ, LeBlanc starts with Parables. I was surprised to find viewing the parables in a new light. Ideas I have never considered nor imagined were brought forth.
With the explanations of the Spiritual Principles of the Kingdom of Heave, misconceptions and/or lack of understanding were corrected. Another thing I felt that really set this book apart was the comparisons made between the Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. LeBlanc took into account the personalities of each and how each Gospel recorded the same occurrence, but from a different point of view.
At first, I was unsure if LeBlanc would show the relationship between Jesus and God as Jesus being God and God's Only Begotten Son. As I read through the Healing Ministry of Jesus, I was delighted to see that she did not run from the mystery and "largeness" of our Creator. Instead, she embraced The Truth and in deliberate detail she broke down the wondrous love of God.

Listed below are some stand-out excerpts that stay with me and gave me quite a lot to ponder.

"...the Adamic Covenant not only carries with it some elements from the Edenic and judgement, ...introduces the age of consciousness, hard toil, and physical death."
"The woman is placed under the headship of man and her pain in childbirth is 'multiplied'."
Is this the reason why marriages are no longer working, because women think of themselves as an equal to man, a "helpmeet", instead under the headship?
"During this period, the sons of the godless line of Cain had intermarried with the godly line of Seth, and wickedness had been on an endless violent rampage."

I found the Parable of the Leaven (Matthew 13:33) and Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44) to enlighten me even further. Before the book ends, LeBlanc proves the Greatness of the I AM THAT I AM.
The God of Abraham and Moses is the God of our Age, too.

p. 458
"The Jehovah-Elohiym of the Old Covenant of redemption in the Old Testament IS the same Great I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ-Jehoshua-Elohiym of the New Covenant of redemption in the New Testament.

This is a highly recommended book for those wishing a closer walk and greater understanding of Our Lord God.
**the publisher provided a complimentary copy through Bookcrash in exchange for a fair and honest review**


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