Can't Help Falling by Kara Isaac
Can't Help Falling
Kara Isaac
(Howard Books 2016)
Right off the first page I was intrigued by this book. I didn't need to know the why Emelia was in Oxford, England. I understood from the beginning that it was to atone for a past failure.
What captured me and held me throughout was Emelia's penchant for wardrobes and the pull to find Narnia.
Do I believe in coincidences? Not really. Only if it's concerning a free parking spot or finding the last copy of a favorite book or movie. What I do believe and what this book shows in stark detail is that God is in the details. From falling out of a wardrobe to finding that elusive teacup, God orchestrates His symphony to capture a person's heart and soul. This happened to Emelia and Peter.
The symbolism was light and subtle. I didn't lose the significance of the broken ship.
And although the ending seemed wanting in a little more depth and not feeling a little rushed, I did enjoy the different conclusion that a reader normally doesn't see in a romance novel.
The faith aspect was weaved throughout and came naturally. More conservative readers would probably be bothered by the mention of a woman vicar, but that is only one flaw that I found in the novel.
Tight writing, fast pacing, and a truly authentic romance made this a book I enjoyed. If you are looking for a newer and different romance, then give Can't Help Falling a try.
***I received a copy of this novel through NetGalley from the publisher in exchange of an honest review***
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