Slender Reeds by Texie Susan Gregory

Slender Reeds:
Jochebed's Hope
Texie Susan Gregory
(Shiloh Run Press 2016) 

Slender Reeds is a take on a Biblical story that most all know. We have all read and seen stories about Moses and the exodus from Egypt, but never have we really been exposed to the story before his birth.

Texie Susan Gregory takes on this challenge. She proposes a "what-if" scenario into the life of the Hebrews held captive in Egypt. Seen from the eyes of not just Jochebed, Moses' mother, but also her friends, Ramses, and others.

We see, as if floating above watching a movie or play unfolding before us, the madness of Ramses, the heartache of Jochebed and Shiphrah, and the anguish of the Hebrews.

Told with such exquisite detail I could see the love, hope, and faith that God works in the darkness. I felt the horror at the little lives lost in such hatred. I understood in further detail the madness of Ramses and his rule.

With historical accuracy, Slender Reeds brings to life a new outlook on an old, old story that was a promise 400 years in the making.

Once I finished this book, I wanted more.  So many nuances, so many reeds, so many stories told within these pages that it created a wonderful work of art to be savored and read time and time again.

Texie Susan Gregory resurrected the writing styles of the classical masters and breathed new life into how stories should be told. A highly recommended read for anyone.

***I received this book from Barbour Publishing in exchange of an honest and complete review*** 


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