The 17 by Clint Kelly

The 17
Clint Kelly
(Harbourlight 2016)

"This promises to be a bumpy ride."

One sentence to sum the book: "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said."

How many times do we find ourselves determined to be the one in control of our lives? Or fail to realize that we have a purpose or a reason why we are where we are? Or better yet, that we really are not trying to run away from God, but wanting to run to Him?

If ever presented with intuition in the form of demands only you could hear, how would you respond?

Clint Kelly answers that question as he leads us on a journey riding the #17 bus in Seattle.

We see different walks of life; their humanity; their dreams and longings; their answers to prayers. And in most all cases, divine intervention.

Never judge a book by its cover and never judge a person by his/her looks. God will use whom He chooses as is evident in the story of James Carter.

This book will keep you enthralled. It will take your emotions for a ride. It will show you the beauty and frailty of our humanity. 

Beautiful writing and rich storytelling marks The 17 as a true masterpiece.

***I received this book from the publishers through NetGalley in exchange of an honest and complete review***


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