Fixing Perfect by Therese M. Travis

Fixing Perfect
Therese M. Travis
(Harbourlight Books 2014) 

"One man makes it his mission to fix the broken, even if it kills them."

Some see the handicap as broken, instead of awesome. With each little difference in the character who live with what we would call a disability, the author shows the reader the meaning of perfect love.

This is not just a suspense or a mystery, despite the red herrings thrown into the story; neither is it just a romance. This book layers friendship and love on top of determination and trust in God.

Therese M. Travis brings to life the lives of two friends, a small child, and deranged killer, each with their own voice.

No convenient "hero saves them all" or the author pushing the boundaries of belief. This is a story of everyday people who are thrust into a terrifying ordeal.

From the beginning of page one to the last word written, I was thoroughly engrossed in this novel.

I had been longing for a chance to read this novel, and I'm absolutely thrilled that it exceeded my expectations!  

***I received a copy from the publishers through NetGalley in exchange of an honest and complete review*** 


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