Shadow of the Storm by Connilyn Cossette

Shadow of the Storm
Connilyn Cossette
(Bethany House 2016)

This is the second book in the Out of Egypt series. The reader will find the same characters, learn more about another, and see from the eyes of a newer character.

Shadow of the Storm presents a story of the exodus from Egypt led by Moses. As they are camped at the foot of the mountain, live goes on as each of the characters learn what it means to truly follow God and the dangers of breaking His covenant.

Seeing history play out through the eyes of Shira, who is not privy to all the happenings and decisions of the elders, and who has to overcome a horrific assault from her past, is truly an experience in reading. Even the story told from the eyes of Dvorah, a vengeful woman, brings to light how the Hebrews strove to throw off the influences of Egypt and to fully embracing the love of God.

Connilyn Cossette brings such wonderful details to the novel. The reader will feel the hurt, hope, despair, and love from these characters. We see with new eyes the story of the Hebrews and glean new understanding to the story we all know.

I look forward to reading the next book, because surely there will be another.

***I received this book through NetGalley from the publisher in exchange of an honest and complete review*** 


  1. I'm looking forward to reading this series. I absolutely love the covers. You are new to me as an author but I would love to read your book. Putting on my TBR list now!
    Good Luck and Happy Writing! carlaganell(at)yahoo(dot)com


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